The ImmoFinRE Group was founded in 2007 by Philippe Winssinger (ex-CEO of DTZ Belgium-Luxembourg) and Albéric Braas (ex co-founder of Oliver Wyman) to enable their families and close network to invest their personal wealth professionally into international private equity real estate projects. Their willingness was based on the conviction that superior risk-adjusted returns could be generated by investing in a diversified way internationally in real estate projects requiring significant asset management to increase value through “repositioning”, “value-add” or “development” in markets and segments presenting favourable fundamentals (demand/supply imbalances, e.g. residential in Ireland 2015-2019) or distressed situations allowing to acquire attractively priced assets (e.g. Tokyo office market 2010-15).
Acknowledging that performing such a strategy directly would require hiring dozens of professionals in each target market with all the human resources and real estate cycle management issues associated, ImmoFinRE deliberately adopted a multi-manager approach whereby our aim is to identify best-in-class local teams having creative ideas as to how to take advantage of particular market opportunities through club deals, joint-ventures, co-investments and funds. Travelling extensively around the globe to find the right teams, strategies and market fundamentals is our primary value-add.
ImmoFinRE funds have granted exposure to over 600 real estate projects across 30+ countries since inception to its shareholders across four regulated real estate private equity funds of funds totalling some €400 million of capital raised.