Investment Committee
Marcus Van Heddeghem - Team Send an Email

Marcus Van Heddeghem

Marcus used to be a board member of different listed companies:  Home-Invest (residential), Lease-Invest (retail & offices),  Befimmo (offices), Kinepolis ( market-leader in Belgium & active in Spain, France, Switserland, Holland & Poland). Actually he is a board member of Besix Red (real estate development), the Compagnie Het Zoute and a real estate company of the Securex group. He is the former CEO of REDEVCO (over € 7 billion of retail real estate assets in Europe) Belgium, and former head of real estate of Royale Belge (which subsequently was acquired by AXA). He also served as advisory board member of Aberdeen European Mixed Balanced Fund and Redevco.  Marcus’ professional investment and management experience in real estate makes him an extremely valuable member of the Investment Committee.